
What is the Best Method for Used Oil Analysis?

There are so many methods available in the industry for used oil analysis, but it all has to start with one- Analytical Ferrography. With this remarkable service from TestOil, you can ensure the health of your machines and take action when needed.
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Global Logistics Solutions for Oil Analysis and Machine Health

Global Logistics Solutions for Oil Analysis and Machine Health At TestOil, we have many customers in the United States that also have international locations, who would sometimes have to settle for oil and machine health testing and analysis in their region. This was due to long transit and turnaround times, cost of shipping, and…
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Optimize Your Plant’s Oil Analysis

Optimize Your Plant's Oil Analysis A few years ago, it seemed like no one had ever heard of oil analysis, or at least they didn't understand its importance. Well, now the industry is really beginning to embrace the need for oil analysis, but the problem is that they do not know how to get…
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Oil Analysis Alarm Limits

Oil Analysis Alarm Limits One of the most important ways to have a successful machine health analysis program is to take action on the data you receive from your lab. There are a few different ways to go about determining alarm limits, as well as whether you should look for static or trending limits.…
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The Benefits of Oil Analysis Kits

The Benefits of Oil Analysis Kits Many of our greatest services at TestOil, start with addressing the needs of our clients. We always listen to what our customers need and work hard to make their solutions as simple as possible. As such the TestOil Now sample kit started as a request from many of…
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Varnish Potential Analysis Testing

Varnish can be incredibly harmful to your machines and, if gone undetected and untreated, can cause critical issues in production. Varnish cannot be accurately measured using typical oil analysis, so we at TestOil have developed a Varnish Potential Analysis Service.
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